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Saturday, October 23, 2010

Anti-aging food #1

Anti-aging food #1 –  Avocado

Eye Cream: Build an eye cream by mixing 5 drops of almond oil with 3 ripe slices of avocado. Mix this mixture and dab it around your eyes. Keep it on for five minutes then rinse.
Facial Mask: Make a paste of ½ ripe avocado mixed with one tsp vegetable oil. Apply this paste on a washed and clean face. Leave it for fifteen to 20 minutes. Rinse it with warm water. This masque is very good for dry skin.

Avocados are a good source of healthy monounsaturated fat that can help lower levels of the bad type of cholesterol and raise the levels of the good cholesterol in your body. Avocado contains vitamin E and can help to maintain healthy skin and help prevent aging of the skin.  Avocados are also rich in potassium which helps prevent fluid retention and high blood pressure.
Slice up an avocado and add to your favorite sandwich, burger, eggs, pasta, salads, soups, or chili for it's health benefits.  Visit recipes for meat eaters or vegetarians here http://www.avocado.org
Remember my favorite dinner from a previous post: click the picture to visit my recipe
Instead of adding meat (saturated fat) to your pasta ~ add the healthy texture of avocados and tomatoes!!!
Bon Appetit ! 

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