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Sunday, December 20, 2009



1) both bitter and sweet to the taste: bittersweet chocolate.

bittersweet http://www.flickr.com/photos/piperbole/3788875253/

2) both pleasant and painful or regretful: a bittersweet memory.

The Christmas season is bittersweet for me ~ as I know it can be for many.

The sweetness of twinkling lights in the night, sparkling decorations at every turn, festivities of family & friends, the hustle & bustle of gift shopping, Christmas music and movies that bring back wonderful memories of Christmases past. The anticipation of Christmas Day. The celebration of the birth of Christ.

Amongst all the sweet things that give me joy and a light heart during Christmastime ….. there is a heaviness that I carry. It slowly creeps in and builds. I lost my father 3 days after Christmas, 35 years ago. He was laid to rest on New Years Eve. The pain never leaves. I can’t even say that it lessens. Two years ago, four days after Christmas, my mother suffered a heart attack. She lived through it ~ but a call at that particular time of year was doubly difficult. Last year on New Years Eve, we got the terrible news that my husbands tumor in his lung was cancerous. He is doing just fine. No time is good for bad news, but it seems to hit especially hard during the holidays.

Yesterday, on my way to work while driving on our two lane highway, I was on the phone with my husband and all of a sudden there was a car in my lane coming towards me. What I think was a girl, was trying to pass four cars when there wasn’t even time to pass one car. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. I quickly maneuvered into the shoulder while yelling to my husband that someone almost hit me head on. While in the shoulder, she passed me in my lane. I was shaken. Terribly shaken. What shook me was that it could have been over in a blink of an eye. In a blink of an eye during the Christmas season. What would that do to my family. What pain would they have to hold on to during all future Christmas seasons. And for what …. someone’s lack of judgment on a beautiful Saturday morning.

So, I want to say, please be cautious. We can’t control cancer or heart attacks, but there are things that we can control. We can drive safely and keep our eyes open for those who aren’t. We all have so much on our plates during this time of year and so little time to get it all done. But let’s remember what is most important ~ Our loved ones. Being with our loved ones. Please slow down in everyway. Be safe for those who love you and for those you love.

Merry Christmas!

Have a beautiful week!


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