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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Chicken Noodle Soup

It's that time of year when the upset tummys, coughs, and runny noses start to appear. Going back to the basics is always most welcoming when not feeling well. Mom's homemade chicken soup seemed to be the cure for our "cold and flu" symptoms....or maybe it was the "love" that went into making the soup that was the true cure. My hubby has been sick for the past few days so it was time to break out the big pot. Here is your standard Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup. I like to add extra black pepper or a big pinch of cayenne pepper (antioxidant) to help open up those sinuses! 
3 quarts of canned chicken broth
3 carrots sliced in rounds - as thick as you want
3 stalks of celery sliced
1/2 onion chopped
3 cups of cooked chicken meat - white or dark
Salt and Pepper to taste
Fresh or dried parsley or dill
Egg Noodles - cooked
Low boil the chicken meat until tender. White or dark or both...whatever you have in the house. Let it cool and then shred it. Put the cut carrots, celery and onion in just enough water to cover the veggies. Bring to boil and simmer until tender. Add the canned broth to the vegetables, put in the chicken, salt, pepper, and dill or parsley. Heat 10 minutes and serve piping hot over cooked egg noodles.
Feel better and Stay healthy!

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