It is that time of year again! And I must post my favorite mosaic of all time. I put this mosaic together when I started this blog in 2008 and it represents me is so many ways.
First, anything vintage has a beauty all its own and the wedge-wood blue wagon against the red barn says it all! If you are a follower of my blog you know that a red barn will pull my camera out every time! Country roads pull me off my route with no concern of where I will end up ~ I’ve got to follow them! And I have posted previously about my childhood memories of walking to the Cider Mill (which looking back ~ is my version of the movie “Stand by Me”).
Oh, and my mom’s countless pumpkin pies that she would make for her family even if she was down with the flu bug (the times we bake and cook most just happen to be during flu season) that’s just not right. But mom’s children come before anything else. Always.
My favorite flower. The Sunflower… is it the color, the size, or because I am a Leo, a sun child…. I don’t know….I just know that they will stop me in my tracks. Caramel… this candy and flavor is right up there with chocolate! But if I had both in front of me … caramel would probably win over chocolate!
As you scan through my blog you will see that these are the colors in my home. Subconsciously, robin’s egg blues, burnt reds and oranges, golden and macadamia yellows, barnwood grays and browns and mossy and lichen greens are colors I am drawn too ~ over and over again. I can search magazines, and blogs and stores and find new colors and designs and think I want to change and update with the trends ….but I won’t. My eye only buys what i LOVE. Autumn colors are my colors and, therefore, I live in autumn bliss all year long !!!
Recipe for the above ingredients for Pumpkin Coffee Cake on this previous post:
Happy First Day of Fall !!